发表于 2023-7-26 09:51:47
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For a country (or countries) of your choice, explain how growth theory is being applied in actualpolicy.
b. Application of Growth Theory in Actual Policy - Example of South Korea:
South Korea is a shining illustration of how growth theory may be utilised in practise to produce rapid economic development. South Korea was a war-torn and poor country in the mid-twentieth century. However, by strategically using numerous growth ideas, it was able to turn itself into one of the world's major industrialised nations within a few decades.
1. Endogenous Growth Theory:
South Korea made significant investments in education and human capital development. To build a trained and productive workforce, the government pushed universal education and emphasised technical and vocational training. This investment in human capital was critical in propelling economic growth and technical advancement.
2. Exogenous Growth Theory:
South Korea supported foreign direct investment (FDI) and knowledge transfer from industrialised economies to accelerate technical developments. It built export processing zones and offered incentives to international firms interested in investing in the country. This aided the country's adoption and adaptation of new technology from more industrialised countries, resulting in increased industrial growth.
3. Evolutionary-Institutional Growth Theory:
South Korea prioritised the development of strong institutions and a favourable economic climate. It put measures in place to defend property rights, uphold the rule of law, and promote transparent and stable governance. In addition, the government gave assistance to certain industries through targeted industrial policies and incentives, creating a coordinated approach to economic growth.
South Korea also profited from knowledge spillovers and positive externalities. The concentration on education and technological development resulted in a well-trained workforce, which aided in knowledge dissemination and innovation across several industries.
Finally, the application of growth theories such as endogenous, exogenous, and evolutionary-institutional growth theories played a critical part in South Korea's outstanding economic growth and transformation. The country's emphasis on human capital development, technological adoption, and institutional improvement can help other countries achieve long-term economic growth and development.