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Answer & Explanation:
1 . Complete high school 2 . Take the SAT to get into college 3 . Graduate with good grades and start looking for your dream job Others : ( optional )
Short-term goals are smaller, more immediate objectives that you can set for yourself to help you achieve your long-term goal. In this case, the long-term goal is to achieve your dream job.
The first short-term goal mentioned is completing high school. This is important because a high school diploma is often a minimum requirement for many jobs and further education opportunities. By successfully completing high school, you will have the necessary foundation to pursue higher education or enter the workforce.
The second short-term goal mentioned is taking the SAT (or any standardized test required for college admission). Doing well on these tests can increase your chances of getting accepted into college and pursuing further education in a field that aligns with your career aspirations.
The third short-term goal mentioned is graduating with good grades and starting to look for your dream job. Graduating with good grades demonstrates academic achievement and dedication, which can make you more competitive in the job market or when applying for higher education opportunities. Starting to look for your dream job early on allows you to explore different options, gain experience through internships or part-time jobs, and network within your desired industry.
These short-term goals provide stepping stones towards achieving your long-term goal of securing your dream job by ensuring that you have the necessary qualifications, skills, and experiences needed in today's competitive world.
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