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Which of the following is appropriate in formal writing

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Which of the following is appropriate in formal writing
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1. In a sales letter, features are what customers will gain by... 1. In a sales letter, features are what customers will gain by using the product or service. Benefits are the characteristics of the product or service. a.True b.False 2. Which of the following is appropriate in formal writing? Select one: a.a first-person perspective (e.g. "I") b.a third-person perspective c.contractions (e.g. "They'll") d.idioms (e.g. "The ball is in your court.") 3. What is the purpose of the boilerplate in a press release? a.To provide statistics and evidence b.To provide background information of the company/organisation c.To indicate the place and date of release d.To sum up whole story 4. Which of the following statements about the purpose statement of a proposal is correct? a.To draw readers' attention, it should be written in a creative and exaggerated way. b.It introduces the goal of the proposal. c.It is a full list of the sources of information used in the proposal. d.It is the first sentence in the implementation section of a proposal. 5. Which of the following is not a common component of a sales letter? a.boilerplate b.salutation c.introduction d.designation 6. Which of the following is not a suitable way to handle negative messages in proposal writing? a.use a downtoner (e.g. "not very") b.use contractions (e.g. "They'll") c.avoid using negative words d.use passive voice 7. To maintain credibility, quotations should not be given in a press release. a.True b.False 8. A press release promotes an idea or event to the media. The media then help to sell a related product or service to potential customers. a.True b.False 9. Customers are impressed by the _______ of the new soundbar. a.incredible performance b.consistently demonstrated c.substantial variety d.considerable increase 10. The association would need to _______ more activities to promote the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. a.prevent b.cooperate c.organise d.reveal 11. Our professional coaches make the swimming classes _______. a.safely and effectively b.safe and effective c.safety and effectiveness d.save and effect 12. Which of the following can be made into superlatives by adding the words "the most" at the beginning of the word? a.easy, pretty, cozy b.wonderful, beautiful, excellent c.tall, great, clear d.wise, calm, sufficient 13. This proposal would be effective _______ the company's reputation. a.to enhancing b.in enhance c.at enhance d.in enhancing 14. It would be _______ to open a new store in Mong Kok. Select one: a.acquire b.success c.suggest d.advisable 15. Organising an annual dinner is _______ option. Select one: a.the most practicality b.the practicalest c.more practicality d.the most practical 16. This proposal attempts to _______ the issue of hygiene in the staff washrooms. Select one: a.address b.launch c.allocate d.outweigh 17. If the company _______ the workplace safety policy, workers will have a stronger awareness of occupational hazards. Select one: a.contacts b.conducts c.implements d.liaises 18. A team of ten staff members would be _______ to handle the logistics of the event. Select one: a.accumulated b.solved c.formed d.formulated 19. _______ the working hours of all frontline technicians will properly address the concerns from them. Select one: a.Reduce b.Reducing c.Reduction d.To reduce 20. Which of the following sentences is correct? Select one: a.This proposal intends to provide several cost-effective solutions to address staff welfare the objective is to increase staff morale and productivity. b.This proposal intends to provide several cost-effective solutions to address staff welfare increase staff morale and productivity. c.This proposal intends to provide several cost-effective solutions to address staff welfare. The objective is to increase staff morale and productivity. d.This proposal intends to provide several cost-effective solutions to address staff welfare with the objective is to increase staff morale and productivity. 21. Comparatives and superlatives are commonly used in written promotional materials. Which of the following are superlative adjectives? Select one: a.the best, the hottest, the most convenient b.better, cooler, more beautiful c.digest, fastest, strongest d.best, fierce, the most efficient 22. The staycation package, which _______ personalised fitness training and free overnight parking, is offered by ABC Hotel. Select one: a.includes b.include c.including d.is include 23.Which of the following sentences is correct? Select one: a.It is suggested that additional staff be recruiting to cope with the increasing workload. b.It is suggested that additional staff be recruited to cope with the increasing workload. c.It is suggested that recruit additional staff to cope with the increasing workload. d.It is suggest that additional staff be recruit to cope with the increasing workload. 24. The event can _______ staff morale and enhance their sense of belonging to the company. Select one: a.rose b.lead to c.request d.boost 25. The existing procedures should _______ for the enhancement of workplace safety. Select one: a.review b.be reviewing c.be reviewed d.reviewed 26. Participating in a volunteer programme will be the most _______ plan for the company to improve the company's image. Select one: a.optional b.best c.beneficial d.great 27. The stakeholders have expressed concerns about the _______ of setting up a solar trough. Select one: a.cost-effectiveness b.cost-effecting c.costed-effectiveness d.cost-effective 28. Recruitment of part-time helpers could be considered to respond to the concerns from our full-time staff. _______, their support could also be expected. Select one: a.In this way b.Despite c.So as to d.Nevertheless 29. This recommended option is not only a _______ one but also the most cost effective. Select one: a.practicality b.feasible c.diligent d.greater 30. More special offers will attract more visitors. _______, growth in publicity of the new store could be expected. Select one: a.In contrast b.Since c.However d.Subsequently 31. It is advisable to _______ the latest antivirus software to ensure maximum protection for the computer system. Select one: a.enquire b.delete c.install d.enter 32.Which of the following sentences is correct? Select one: a.Build recreational facilities in the new housing estate may involve considerable costs. b.Building recreational facilities in the new housing estate may involve considerable costs. c.Build recreational facilities in the new housing estate. May involve considerable costs. d.To build recreational facilities in the new housing estate may involve considerable costs. 33.It _______ that a meeting be held to announce the new arrangements to the staff. Select one: a.recommend b.is recommending c.recommends d.is recommended 34._______ the company is taking all necessary steps to ease the concerns from the staff, it is optimistic that ... Select one: a.As b.Due to c.Moreover d.However 35. To implement the recommended proposal, HK$100,000 should be _______ to organise a training programme. Select one: a.establish b.required c.set up d.formed 36. Which of the following adverbs can be used to show a more certain tone? Select one: a.perhaps b.definitely c.possibly d.occasionally 37. The recommended proposal would be the most _______ choice in terms of practicality and budget control. Select one: a.best b.better c.latest d.ideal 38. This proposal would not only address the demands from our stakeholders, but also bring _______ gains on our brand establishment. Select one: a.flexible b.enthusiastic c.substantial d.adverse 39. Which of the following sentences is correct? Select one: a.It is advisable to set up internet café facilities with audio/video workstations for learning and leisure purposes can enhance the café environment. b.Setting up internet café facilities with audio/video workstations for learning and leisure purposes. c.Setting up internet café facilities with audio/video workstations for learning and leisure purposes can enhance the café environment. d.Set up internet café facilities with audio/video workstations for learning and leisure purposes can enhance the café environment. 40. Which of the following sentences is correct? Select one: a.There has concerns about the budget of the proposal. b.There are concerns about the budget of the proposal. c.There have concerns about the budget of the proposal. d.There is concerns about the budget of the proposal.
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