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MGT604: Wesfarmers Australia Case Study

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MGT604: Wesfarmers Australia Case Study
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WESFARMERS AUSTRALIA CASE STUDY 2 The current position of Wesfarmers Australia is due to the organization's broad conglomerates which enabled the company to sail through despite financial shortcomings and the global financial recession which threatened to halt the operations of the company. Wesfarmers Australia is currently a leading retailer and employer in Australia after the acquisition of Coles group. The organisation has established a track record of success due to its leadership and management style that consists of directors managing different functions while heading various divisions in the company. The choice of managers in the company is based on experience and merit and the operations of the company are underscored by teamwork. The company also has a brand legacy of quality & performance, emphasizes community development initiatives, offers a variety that suits different price points, and gives continuous discounts and special offers, therefore, attracting customers. The company's primary objective is to provide satisfactory returns to its shareholders and meet the changing needs of customers through the proper management of its diversified business portfolio. The organization's business model and value proposition are achieved through the adoption of value creating strategies to strengthen existing businesses, secure growth opportunities through entrepreneurial initiatives, ensure sustainability, and adopting value-adding transactions (Campbell, 2017). The target market that Wesfarmers seeks to address are the shoppers seeking convenience, middle and low-income shoppers in need of discounts and services. These include shoppers of home and lifestyle products and grocery shoppers. The strategic circumstances of Wesfarmers Australia have been altered by various threats. The organisation is facing significant business threats from competitors especially the US-based retail website Amazon and the rival grocery Woolworths. Wesfarmers operates in an industry with high rivalry due to the high growth of industries like industry and fertilizer companies,
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