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The US is a country who allows individual to carry guns in public. A consequence of this is that there aremore and more gun violence happening when compare with that number in other countries. This project isto investigate the gun violence dataset to see if we can find a pattern under gun violence from differentperspectives, main focus on Chicago. Dataset is from Kaggle.com (https://www.kaggle.com/jameslko/gun-violence-data). And here are the main findings.Overall from the data in 2014 -2018, the number of gun violence is showing an increase trend unfortunately.The gun violence is showing a seasonality. There are more gun incidents in spring and summer than in falland winter. Also, on weekends there are obviously more gun incidents happened than on weekdays.Especially on holidays like July 4thand the next day and New Year, a-single-day-incidents shows peek. Itmeans the gun violence incident is more likely to happen when there is more crowded.Illinois is the state with the top number of incidents happened and Chicago is city where the highestincidents happened compared nationwide. Overall, the incidents descriptive analysis in Chicago shows thesame as what is shown on nationwide.One of the expected results is to find if there is any factor shows the significance in predicting gun incidentsin Chicago. And the result shows that the location comes up as the most important predictor to define theincident characteristics, and the factor quarter comes after.
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