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Leadership is one of the essential aspect of management process

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Leadership is one of the essential aspect of management process
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Leadership is one of the essential aspect of management process and a core function inmodern corporate styles. Managers are encouraged to be leaders and achieve a higher level ofproductivity. Leading by example is one great way to show the company managers as to how themission & goals of the organizations can be achieved and how to take theorganization forward.In this direction and as one great example in strategies of leadership style, theTencents founderand CEO Pony Ma Huateng has displayed his leadership style which is responsible for evolutionof Tencent culture.Pony Ma's style of leadership was way different from transaction leadership, and it hasbeen more towards the transformational leadership. The leader has grownTencents usingtransformational leadership style, which is also in line with his vision in the direction ofcontinuous innovation, encouraging employees to experiment and has provided a unique modelto inculcate the innovative spirit. Consequently, a distinct market orientated culture resulted withthe help of teamwork and innovation.Transformational leadership is inspiring leadership understood from the literature onvarious leadership styles which has been responsible for transforming many organizations on thepath of success, Tencent being no exception. James MacGregor had pioneered this concept oftransformational leadership and this leadership style is also used by Pony Ma to bring forthpositivity within his followers and even raising the leadership quality in them. As an example, heapplied intellectual stimulation strategy to bring in innovation amongst them so that theycontinuously explore creative ways of doing regular tasks. Consequently, Tencent usedinnovation and built many apps like various gaming apps, video streaming, karaoke apps, sportand many more.
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