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Facts surrounding the engagement of patients to improve quality of careThe engagement of patients is a critical aspect when it comes to achieving qualityhealthcare. It is an ultimate goal for all health organizations. The attention is primarily aimed atthe relationship between the health caregivers and patients in trying to make decisions and howto make improvements on patients' efforts to handle themselves. There have been efforts toensure patient integration in many ways, such as improving and designing service delivery bybringing in patients' experiences. During the last few years, assessment of knowledge is based onpatient satisfaction and experience.Research done on the engagement of patients has proven the necessity of using theancient surveys that aid in moving ahead with care and patient engagement to enhance andreview the quality of the services. For example, low-level engagement has immenseunidirectional feedback, while high-level meeting shows a partnership in the design and servicesevaluation. More literature shows that patients are involved in the delivery or designing thehealthcare, but the engagements can lead to a decrease in hospital admissions and improvedefficiency and effectiveness.Experts urge the health care providers and the government to engage in inpatient experiencein that the patients or clients are involved in co-leading when it comes to designing theorganization of healthcare delivery. It is beneficial to engage patients at the organizational andsystem level. Practical strategies and the contextual factors aiding in bringing out betteroutcomes need to be identified so that learning can be generalized. The authors in the reviewasked three questions:
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