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Case Paper 5: Operational Problems Engaging Patients

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Case Paper 5: Operational Problems Engaging Patients
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Operational Problems Engaging Patients Identify The Most Important Facts: If you're like many other healthcare providers, your healthcare facilities and services are equipped to deliver quality patient care. Yet, all too often a variety of challenges can arise that prevent your valuable medical staff from delivering high-quality treatment. One such challenge is when the heating and cooling systems in the facility stop functioning properly during hot and cold weather (Banchs & Pop, 2021). We’ll explore how to solve some of these functional problems by engaging patients with HVAC systems so that both the patients and their care providers can feel comfortable at all times. You can do this by asking open-ended questions like, "how are you feeling?" or assuring that you care about their well being, such as, "I'm glad to see you're doing better." Another reason it is important to engage patients is that they may not be able to stop thinking about their symptoms or potential diagnosis, which could lead to more significant distress. One more way we can engage our patients is by showing empathy when they are upset or scared- being there for them in their time of need and seeking ways to comfort them (Banchs & Pop, 2021). I believe communication is the best way to engage a patient. Telling the patient their options and putting up barriers is a form of engagement. When nurses address patients' concerns, show empathy, and address the emotional aspects of care, what they do is called "empathetic communication." This is important because reassured patients tend to be less worried, more compliant, and more satisfied with their care. Nurses who practiced empathetic communication were also able to build trust with their patients and develop caring relationships, which is another way to engage our patients (Banchs & Pop, 2021). Important Facts In Operational Problems Engaging Patients
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